Diffusion-Wave Diagnostic Technologies is a spin-off company from the Center for Advanced Diffusion-Wave and Photoacoustic Technologies (CADIPT) of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department in the University of Toronto.
Diffusion-Wave Diagnostic Technologies licenses, manufactures and sells advanced metrology imaging system for the global semiconductor industry, non-destructive testing imaging systems for automotive metal processing industry as well as non-contact and non-destructive sensors and imaging systems for biomedical applications.

Quantum Dental Technologies, Canada
Developed by Quantum Dental Technologies, the Canary System is a non-ionizing diagnostic dental caries detection device that can quantify, monitor, and record changes in the structure of enamel, dentin, and cementum.
Tooth crystal structure diagnostics in dental clinics lets users detect, image, and measure tooth decay on all surfaces, around the margins of restorations, around orthodontic brackets, beneath interproximal, occlusal, and smooth surfaces and beneath opaque sealants in addition to detecting cracks in teeth.